
The Plett Foundation offers a grants program that supports research and projects relevant to its mission. Grants are evaluated and awarded semi-annually by the Foundation’s Board of Directors on the basis of their relevance to the mission of the Plett Foundation, the feasibility of the project, and the deliverable outcome of the project.

Successful applications will focus on some aspect of the history of the Dutch-Russian Mennonites who came to Manitoba in the 1870s, including:

  • their historical background in Russia, Poland-Prussia and the Netherlands
  • their history in Manitoba and Western Canada
  • the history of their descendants spread throughout the Americas

The Plett Foundation encourages grant recipients to consider depositing relevant research materials from their projects at the Mennonite Heritage Archives in Winnipeg, Manitoba in order to support and promote continued research into the study of the 1870s Mennonites and their descendants.

Research Grants

Research grants are awarded for eligible expenses related to a research project. Eligible expenses include travel costs, including relevant accommodation costs, and archival/research fees. Please contact us if you have questions about eligible expenses.

Publication Grants

Publication grants support the publication of books that explore the experience and history of the 1870s Mennonites and their descendants.


Eligible applicants include institutions, academic researchers, individuals, and community organizations.

Application Procedure

Applicants should complete the online application form. All required supporting materials should be submitted online, together with the online application form, by the deadline.

Application Deadlines: April 1 & October 1

Complete applications will be considered by the Plett Foundation Board at its spring and fall Board meetings. All applicants will be notified regarding the outcome of their application by mail following the Board meeting. Successful applicants must present a copy of their completed projects to the Plett Foundation.
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Interested in telling the mennonite story?

Our Grants