The Khortitsa 99 committee, consisting of Harvey Dyck, Peter Klassen, Peter Letkeman, John Staples, John B. Toews, Paul Toews, and John J. Friesen has assigned the following grants to researchers in Ukraine and Russia who are working on Mennonite-related projects.
Here are the awards for 2008:
1. Natalie Ostasheva-Venger
Publication subsidy for “Between Congregation, Clan and Russian
Society in the Epoch of Choice: Mennonite Entrepreneurship in the
Context of Russian Modernization, 1789-1920″
2. Andrei (Slavin) SAVIN, Novosibirsk
Senior research grant for a third volume of “Ethnoconfession in the
Soviet State: Mennonites in Siberia in the 1920s and 1930s –
Emigration and Repression”
3. Ella Nikolaevna Stepchenko, Kiev
Dissertation research grant for “The Historiography of the Ethnic
History of German-Speaking Colonists in Southern Ukraine from the Late
Eighteenth to the Early Twentieth Century.”
The 2006-2007 Khortitsa grants were:
Dissertation grants
Chernova, Irina Ethnography and museology, Omsk State
University $400
Rempel, Ekaterina Omsk State University, Omsk State Historical
Museum 400
George Epp Memorial Grants
Dilaram, (Inoyatova) INOVIATOVA History, TASHKENT STATE (National) University, Tashkent 950
Smirnova, Tatiana Ethnology and Museology, Omsk State University 950
Senior Research Grants
Beznosova, Oksana Ukrainian-German history, Dnepropetrovsk
Nat.Univ. 500
Bobyleva, Svetlana Ukrainian-German history, DNEPROPETROVSK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY 500
Savin, Andrei Siberian Section, Russ. Acad. of Sciences
Novosibirsk 500
Publishing Grant-in-aid
Vibe, Petr. P. Omsk Historical Museum, Omsk Pedagogical
Museum 1500
Submitted by Peter Klassen